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JFAN Receives Grant to Expand Work in the State, Augmenting Our Work in Jefferson County

We are pleased to announce that JFAN received a grant last month from a private foundation that will be dedicated to expanding JFAN’s work in the state of Iowa. This will enable Executive Director Diane Rosenberg to shift over the work she previously did part-time with the Socially Responsible Agricultural Project (SRAP) to provide the same services through JFAN. Rosenberg will now increase her hours from three-quarters time to full time for JFAN.

This expansion will not impact any of JFAN’s ongoing activities centered around Jefferson County. “Nothing changes regarding the work we do locally,” Rosenberg says. “There will be no change in my time and efforts devoted to protecting Jefferson County. This grant should give JFAN additional exposure in the state, strengthening our presence and supporting our ability to help deter CAFOs in Jefferson County.”

The grant funds will be directed at providing informational guidance and support to communities outside Jefferson County who are opposing factory farms and request our help as well as continuing statewide efforts advocating for a factory farm moratorium.

The grant only covers the additional time that Rosenberg will shift over from SRAP. Funds from JFAN’s ongoing grassroots fundraising efforts will still be critical to JFAN’s continued operation in Jefferson County.

Rosenberg concluded her work with SRAP in September after nine years with the organization.

“After I wrapped up my community organizing contract with SRAP, I was hoping to continue doing the same under JFAN’s auspices. I have the skills, and I wanted to keep using them to help communities in need. I find it rewarding working with neighbors, and I’ve also made some important connections with other organizations in Iowa.”

Rosenberg has significant experience in community organizing, CAFO application analysis, and strategy development including technical strategies. With SRAP, she helped several communities avert CAFOs including those in Tama, Wayne, Pottawattamie, and Howard Counties.

The grant will also enable Rosenberg to continue and expand her other work on the state level, including working with the Iowa Alliance for Responsible Agriculture and other Iowa organizations, conducting JFAN’s two training programs, and advocating for a factory farm moratorium.

JFAN was first approached by the private foundation’s director based on the recommendation of the executive director of another Iowa environmental organization. “I’m really grateful to the foundation for providing JFAN with this grant – and to my colleague for recommending us to the director!” said Rosenberg.

Neighbors opposing a factory farm who want to reach out to JFAN for help, or anyone interested in learning more about JFAN’s training programs, can contact JFAN via email at or phone at 641-209-6600.



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