JFAN provided an update on the Daniels Site with the following article published in the September 28 Fairfield Weekly Reader. The DNR issued the final construction permit on Monday, September 25.
JFAN continues to work diligently to support Pleasant Plain Friends for Rural Preservation in their opposition to the Daniels Site, Bill Huber’s 7497-head hog confinement near the city of Pleasant Plain in the Lake Darling watershed.
Jefferson County Supervisors approved the Master Matrix although we urged them to disqualify four questions totaling 70 points. When the DNR approved the CAFO and issued a preliminary construction permit, we attempted last week to persuade supervisors to appeal the DNR’s decision based on general environmental concerns during a special supervisor meeting. This is a legitimate approach Sierra Club attorney Wally Taylor used successfully several years ago.
We tried to provide information on the risk to the watershed from planned manure application on land containing tributaries leading to the lake and on the risk to vulnerable populations in the area (elderly and children) from expected toxic gas emissions. The supervisors rebuffed the information we tried to provide, claiming it didn’t constitute legal grounds for an appeal, which JFAN disputes.
What’s Next?
JFAN submitted Freedom of Information Act requests to three federal agencies that might be providing funds for Huber’s CAFO. Federal agencies that either dispense funds or guarantee loans are required to conduct Environmental Assessments, which allows for public input. If environmental concerns are significant, the agency could require a hefty Environmental Impact Statement. We are waiting to hear from these agencies.
We’ll analyze the Manure Management Plan (MMP) to determine if there is enough land to accommodate the 2.3 million gallons of manure to be generated. We question this as some of the fields are in other MMP’s.
Finally, Pleasant Plain Friends for Rural Preservation request the public continue to exert strong public pressure on Bill Huber, a developer from out of the county who already owns 21 other CAFOs. Please visit the JFAN website at www.jfaniowa.org/Daniels-Site-Action-Stepsto learn what you can do to express opposition to Huber’s site. Thank you for your efforts.
October 24 JFAN Annual Meeting: There ARE Alternatives to Factory Farms
One of the ways to turn the hog industry around is with economically viable farming alternatives. The October 24 JFAN Annual Meeting focuses on regenerative farming with keynote speaker Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin and panelists Dean Goodale, Kris Johnson, and Chris Petersen. There is some cool stuff taking place right here in Jefferson County. Stay tuned!