Senior Political Director, Humane Society Legislative Fund
Former Lt. Governor of Missouri
Independent, Humane Livestock Producer
The corporate pork industry continues to rapidly expand throughout Iowa, driven in a large part by the push to fill Southeast Asia’s growing demand for pork. Exports account for 26% of Iowa’s current pork production, and that figure could skyrocket if the Trans Pacific Partnership is passed, predicts the Iowa Pork Producers Council.
No community is safe. We must increase our efforts to safeguard our quality of life. JOE MAXWELL, Senior Political Director of the Humane Society Legislative Fund, will address the role everyone can play in protecting our communities including: ** Four community organizing/activist approaches to safeguard our neighborhoods: deterrent actions, legal avenues, legislative changes, and consumer activism ** The need for all Iowans to stand up for their basic human right to clean air, clean water, and safe food ** What it takes to galvanize people politically in order to protect against infringing CAFOs ** What EVERYONE can do to fight back against unwanted CAFOs. Whether you’re a rural resident facing a current threat, a rural resident wanting to protect your good quality of life, or a city resident concerned about CAFOs coming closer to your borders, there is something YOU can do. ** Everyone eats, and a special emphasis will be placed on the power of Consumer Activism. Plus!
** JFAN Board member Jocelyn Engman, co-owner of Pickle Creek Herbal, on what it means to be a Good Neighbor
** JFAN president David Sykes with a JFAN update
** Panel discussion at the conclusion of the meeting About Joe Maxwell: With childhood roots growing up on a family farm, Joe Maxwell is a long-time advocate for humane, independent farming practices. As Senior Political Director for the Humane Society Legislative Fund, Maxwell works to increase political influence for humane and independent livestock production. Maxwell served as a state elected official for 14 years, including two terms in the Missouri House of Representatives and one in the Missouri Senate before being elected Lt. Governor in 2000. During his tenure, Maxwell supported family farm and traditional animal husbandry practices while working against large-scale, industrialized livestock facilities. CO-SPONSORED BY: Southeast Iowa Food Hub Leopold Group Sierra Club Sustainable Living Coalition Solar-powered KRUU-100.1 FM Little Village Magazine
Radish Magazine
A $5 donation helps JFAN protect the quality of life of Jefferson County
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