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2022 JFAN Annual Meeting

2021 JFAN Annual Meeting
Full Meeting

Iowa's Troubled Waters
Southeast Iowa Sierra Club Quarterly Meeting
Dr. Chris Jones Presentation Only

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"Demanding Source Water Protection in an Industrial Agricultural State"
Bill Stowe, CEO and General Manager, Des Moines Water Works; 2016 JFAN Annual Meeting
"The Work of Goldman Environmental Prize Winner Lynn Henning"
Dr. John Ikerd, Professor Emeritus, U. of Missouri at Columbia; 2013 JFAN Annual Meeting
"Wholesale Changes to the Illinois Food Economy"
Jim Braun, Coordinator of the Illinois Local & Organic Food & Farm Task Force 2010 JFAN Annual Meeting
"The Economic Advantages of Sustainable Farming and the Economic Pitfalls of CAFOs"
Dr. John Ikerd, Professor Emeritus, U. of Missouri at Columbia; 2009 JFAN Annual Meeting

The CAFOs of Jefferson County - Film

Iowa's Troubled Waters
Full Southeast Iowa Sierra Club Quarterly Meeting

Our Water At Risk
Dr. Chris Jones, Research Engineer
University of Iowa College of Engineering
Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin with Opening
Moratorium Resolution Postcard Party
Q&A with Drs John Ikerd and Francis Thicke
May 1, 2017
2016 JFAN Annual Meeting 
"Corporate Accountability: One Woman's Struggle and Triumph"
Diane Wilson, Enviornmental Activist and CodePink Co-founder; 2011 JFAN Annual Meeting
"Reclaiming Agriculture's Role in Community Vitality"
Dr. Kamyar Enshayan, University of Northern Iowa; 2010 JFAN Annual Meeting
"How the CAFO Industry Emerged and Why It Will Become Obsolete"
Dr. Francis Thicke, Co-Owner, Radiance Dairy
2009 JFAN Annual Meeting
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