About JFAN
JFAN is a 501(c)(3) educational foundation composed of rural and town residents and traditional family farmers. Our common concern is to stop the growth of infringing factory farms in Jefferson County and Protect our Quality of Life.
JFAN provides the following services in Jefferson County:
We Educate with An Empowering, Community Information Program
Our comprehensive, year-round education program includes meetings, newsletters, emails, letters to newspapers, educational advertisements, an active Facebook page, and a website that draws the attention of people from around the state – and nation. This is why Jefferson County has a statewide reputation for being one of the most knowledgeable counties on CAFOs.
We Quickly Find Out About Proposed CAFOs and Immediately Alert Neighbors
We check twice a week with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Jefferson County Auditor’s office for new or expanding CAFOs.
We inform neighbors living within a two-mile radius of a proposed confinement and provide a comprehensive information packet including booklets, maps, and an information sheet on the impact of CAFOs coming into a community or neighborhood.
We offer informational and organizational guidance and support when neighbors request our assistance. We help evaluate CAFO applications and work with the DNR.
You are an important part of our monitoring program. Call JFAN at 641-209-6600 or email jfan@lisco.comif you notice any new CAFO activity. We will investigate.
We Network with Other Organizations for Additional Support and Protection
Because we understand that to protect Jefferson County we must work beyond our borders, JFAN engages in statewide efforts to better protect our community at home. Ultimately, CAFO regulations must change.
JFAN is a member and co-founder of the Iowa Alliance for Responsible Agriculture, enjoying a rich connection with other environmental and community advocacy organizations throughout the state. By sharing resources and collaborating on strategy development, we are all more powerful working together.
Our community is facing a very serious threat from CAFO's , and we need to Act Now before it is too late! It is vitally important that we all learn why this threat is huge and imminent and what we can do together to protect our personal reasons for living here.
"JFAN promotes and protects the quality of life in Jefferson County, through community education, informational guidance and support, and statewide coalition efforts. JFAN strongly supports sustainable agriculture and traditional family farms - including livestock production. JFAN – Farms not Factories!"